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Digital Fine Art Portrait Painting - Foggy

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This is a hand drawn digital portrait painting I did with Charcoal and Pencil. The painting was done on my iPad Pro with the Apple Pencil and Procreate software.

I really enjoy drawing on my iPad as it feels very natural. Watch the video below as it shows the process from start to finish.

I started with the drawing with pencils. Then, I started blocking in shapes. I normally start by painting the areas in shadow, but in this case I started with areas not in shadows since I was using a colored grayish paper and it made more sense to me to start that way for more contrast. Then I continue with the rest of the areas and detail.

The Making of Foggy's Digital Portrait - Speed painting

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digital painting digital portrait painting fine art fine arts janet artworks janet garcia fineart janetartworks painting portrait paintings portraits video

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